S427-ComebackMomentService | Version |
Status |
S427-ComebackMomentService v2.0
SWAGGER & SOAPUI Project S427-ComebackMomentService v2.0 :
Endpoints S427-ComebackMomentService v2.0 :
- INT : https://fsb.services.int.belgium.be/api/comebackMoment/2.0
- PROD : https://fsb.services.pr.belgium.be/api/comebackMoment/2.0
Security Policy API : ( ATTENTION : please request your token with scope : BOSA. For migrating consumers: please request your new ClientID @ FSB@bosa.fgov.be )
- INT OAuth2.0 type Client Credentials Grant with Access Token URI : https://fsb.services.int.belgium.be/api/oauth2/token
- PROD OAuth2 type Client Credentials Grant with Access Token URI : https://fsb.services.pr.belgium.be/api/oauth2/token