==== DIV Expose Data - REST-services ====
* service /registrations/plateNumbers:
- swagger was not conform the output - the swagger has been modified,
- paging-functionality not needed - the total resultset is always returned in the first page
* attribute 'vehicle.engineNumber' has been indicated as 'obsolete'
* attribute 'firstRegistrationDateBelgium' will be moved to the vehicle-domain. To achieve this move;
- this attribute appears currently still in the license-domain but is indicated as 'obsolete',
- this attribute is added to the vehicle-domain.
This provides a time-frame allowing the change at consumer's site to get this attribute from the vehicle-domain in stead of from the license-domain.
==== list of solved issues by release of 3-May-2022 in environment ACC ====
==== list of solved issues by release of June-2022 in environment PROD ====
- [MobRef.517] service /registrationsHistory/licenseStatus: no 'next' available in case of paging
- [MobRef.539] service '/crossborderTitulars' does not return a specific plate FR (via AS-IS it does)
- [MobRef.3-50] An unknown value '999' for 'vehicle.category.code'
- [MobRef.3-93] Vehicle.imported* -attributes are not always filled [to be verified]
- [MobRef.3-97/36] Missing vehicle-data on registration [to be verified]
- [MobRef.3-117/121] The attribute 'firstRegistrationDateBelgium' sometimes is filled with a wrong value [to be verified]
- [MobRef.3-139] StartSituationDate and licenseStatus not always correct
- [MobRef.3-140] Value for transactionUID not found - plateNr is existing
- [MobRef.3-141/153] Attribute 'transaction.UID' should be 100% unique and never change-overtime
- [MobRef.3-144] MovementIndications D-1 timing availability - on D+1 early business hours
- [MobRef.3-148] The attribute 'transaction.info.correctionTypeCode' not correct filled - should be a '0' or a '1' [to be verified]
- [MobRef.3-158/509] Attribute 'vehicle.codeForBodywork.code' contains an invalid code '99'
- [MobRef.3-163] Multiple transactions incorrectly available from the past
- [MobRef.3-165] Attribute 'transaction.info.transferAttestCode' does contain an unknown value 'T2-4'
- [MobRef.3-167] Double transactions 'CGV' on same day (with different transactionUID)
- [MobRef.3-168/92] Attribute 'vehicle.nationalConfiguration.description' not filled when code has been filled
- [MobRef.3-169] Transaction occurences delivered by the monthly flat-files (AS-IS) sometimes do have a different time-stamp as delivered via the REST-services (TO-BE) [to be verified]
- [MobRef.3-170/130] Vehicle 100% Electric => check availability of related 'fuel'-attributes
- [MobRef.3-179] Titular registration-address does not appear anymore (regression) - taxation-services only
- [MobRef.3-190] Vehicle no fuelCode available for vehicle active registration
- [MobRef.3-73] [PERFORMANCE] Running the service 'movementIndications/transactions' takes too long [avg +30sec]; is hard to accept
--> Solution: best-practice is to use paging
- [MobRef.355/3-29-A] [PERFORMANCE] service /registrations: requesting data for a company with a large volume is not supported well for the moment (will give a time-out)
--> Solution: time-out will be avoided - in case of a resultSet > 4000 the following code and message is given: 403 - "This request would result in a resultset with more than 4000 occurences; this is not accepted via this service. Use first the service 'registrations/plateNumbers' and next select plate by plate"
==== list of issues still working-on (a solution is expected soon) ====
- [MobRef.355/3-29-B] [PERFORMANCE] service /registrationsHistory: requesting data for a company with a large volume is not supported well for the moment (will give a time-out) --> solution: the service will only accept the request when the expected volume is less than 4000.
- [MobRef.555] Service /registrations: the description of the transaction.subTypeCode is not filled
- [MobRef.3-138/155] Daily transactions: missing ooccurences - differences in amount compared the monthly flat-files (AS-IS) with the outcome via the REST-services (TO-BE) [to be verified]
- [MobRef.3-157] Vehicle-data - electric and power/weight ratio: power-ratio cannot be > 1
- [MobRef.3-166] Attribute 'license.reRegistrationFlag' does contain a wrong value
- [MobRef.3-175] No titular defined for 130 active registrations (old plates)
- [MobRef.3-203] For CGV's in the past sometimes there is no vehicle linked
==== list of solved issues by release of 26-Jan-2022 ====
- [MobRef.3-143] Titular attribute 'nationalNr' not filled
- [MobRef.3-145/154] Titular names not available
- [MobRef.3-146] Titular actual address does sometimes not appear
- [MobRef.3-152/97] No vehicle data found on (active) registration
- [MobRef.3-124] Vehicle 'euroNormCode' missing
- [MobRef.3-94] Vehicle 'individualApprovalType' is not filled
- [MobRef.3-159] Vehicle attributes 'variant' and 'version' not (always) filled
- [MobRef.3-119/151] Sometimes fuelcodes appear incorrectly / Same fuelcode double for 1 vin / More than 2 fuels-wrong active fuelCode
- [MobRef.3-160] Vehicle double incorrect fuel-codes 'Diesel' et 'Petrol'
- [MobRef.3-150] Different fuel related data in multiple fuel occurences
- [MobRef.3-156] The attribute 'transaction.info.transferAttestCode' is empty
- [MobRef.3-176/144] Some (latest) registrations/platenr's missing (due to failed incremental loads)
==== reminder previous solved: considered as most-important to remind from previous releases 08/2021===
- [MobRef.478] Request-from-PrivacyRoad - service '/registrations' and '/registrationsTitular': for legal-purposes 'Parking' and 'GAS-SAC' the titular will not be shown in case the plate-number has been crossed-out.
- [MobRef.359] all services: an optional header-parameters 'X-Correlation-Id' is added
==== list of solved issues by release of 07/10/2021 ====
- [MobRef.359] all services: an optional header-parameter 'X-Correlation-Id' has been added. In a first phase this parameter is not mandatory. In a next phase it can become mandatory.
- [MobRef.430] all services: an optional header-parameter 'legalPurpose' has been added. It will be only used in combination with the cumul-clientId by the regional service-integrators.
- [MobRef.486] service '/registrationsTitular': the data-structure 'Driver' has been added. In case the titular is a Renta-member, also the driver will be returned. Only for legal-purposes admitted by Renta; 'parking' and 'GAS/SAC'.
==== list of solved issues by release of 06/08/2021 ====
- [MobRef.340] All services with paging - when the pageSize equals the result 'total', a 'next' should not be specified
- [MobRef.470] service '/registrations' and '/registrationsHistory': the titular 'registrationAddress' added (only for Taxation-services)
- [MobRef.478] Request-from-PrivacyRoad - service '/registrations' and '/registrationsTitular': for legal-purposes 'Parking' and 'GAS-SAC' the titular will not be shown in case the plate-number has been crossed-out.
- [MobRef.491] all services with Titular-data: null-values are discarded within the array-attribute 'firstName'
- [MobRef.496] service '/registrations' query by vin: only active registrations are returned for the requested vin and datetime
==== list of solved issues by release of 05/07/2021 ====
- [MobRef.3-107] the attributes address-street and -city for the actual address are not returned in the requested language
- [MobRef.3-96] for a titular (especially an organisation) sometimes the related address-fields are not filled
- [MobRef.475] ‘titular.source’ and ‘titular.address.lastUpdateSource’: the value ‘local’ has been replaced by ‘DIV’
- [MobRef.368] service '/registrations': missing rows when selecting on 'transactionUID' received as part of a 'movementIndication'
- [MobRef.3-98/99/102/106] transaction-related attributes not always correct/complete filled
- [MobRef.484] service '/movementIndications/transactions': does now also accept pageSize=99999 and pageSize=99998 to indicate having all data retrieved within one service-call/by one request; 99999=unsorted and 99998=sorted on transaction.dateTime and transactionTypeCode
==== list of change requests planned for a next release ====
- [MobRef.355] service /registrations & /registrationsHistory: requesting data for a company with a large volume is not supported well for the moment (will give a time-out)
- [MobRef.3-92] when vehicle.nationalConfiguration.code is filled, the related description is missing
- [MobRef.3-93] vehicle.imported* -attributes are not filled
==== list with known issues to be solved in a next release ====
- [MobRef.3-179] Titular registration-address does not appear anymore (regression) - does impact only the taxation-services
- [MobRef.3-166] Attribute 'license.reRegistrationFlag' does contain a wrong value
- [MobRef.3-50] An unknown value '999' for 'vehicle.category.code'
- [MobRef.3-158/509] Attribute 'vehicle.codeForBodywork.code' contains an invalid code '99'
- [MobRef.3-168/92] Attribute 'vehicle.nationalConfiguration.description' not filled when code has been filled
- [MobRef.3-170/130] Vehicle 100% Electric => check availability of related 'fuel'-attributes
- [MobRef.3-165] Attribute 'transaction.info.transferAttestCode' does contain an unknown value 'T2-4'
- [MobRef.3-148] The attribute 'transaction.info.correctionTypeCode' not correct filled - should be a '0' or a '1' (to be verified)
- [MobRef.3-163] Multiple transactions incorrectly available from the past
- [MobRef.3-138/155] Daily transactions: missing ooccurences - differences in amount compared the monthly flat-files (AS-IS) with the outcome via the REST-services (TO-BE)
- [MobRef.3-117/121] The attribute 'firstRegistrationDateBelgium' sometimes is filled with a wrong value (to be verified)
- [MobRef.3-157] Vehicle-data - electric and power/weight ratio: power-ratio cannot be > 1 (to be verified)
- [MobRef.3-93] Vehicle.imported* -attributes are not always filled (to be verified)
- [MobRef.3-138/140/153] Attribute 'transaction.UID' should be 100% unique and never change-overtime
- [MobRef.3-167] Double transactions 'CGV' on same day (with different transactionUID)
- [MobRef.3-140] Value for transactionUID not found - plateNr is existing
- [MobRef.3-169] Transaction occurences delivered by the monthly flat-files (AS-IS) sometimes do have a different time-stamp as delivered via the REST-services (TO-BE)
- [MobRef.3-175] No titular defined for 130 active registrations (old plates)
- [MobRef.3-73] [PERFORMANCE] Running the service 'movementIndications/transactions' takes too long [avg +30sec]; is hard to accept
- [MobRef.355/3-29] [PERFORMANCE] service /registrations & /registrationsHistory: requesting data for a company with a large volume is not supported well for the moment (will give a time-out)